Friday, July 08, 2005

Poop on a Stick

Did that get your attention? I hope so. It got mine just writing it...i was ready to read whatever gross blogger I was about to write, but then remembered it was just a clever catch-all title that would draw in my readers (excuse me..."reader", singular) and seduce them with e-poetry of the superhuman sort. But I am a Biochemist. Not superhuman, just supernerdy.

Perhaps the French will begin to take serirously what we have been saying all along: theses terroristas won't ignore you Euros forever...they are just bidiing their time until you least expect it. Surely the poor Brits were shocked by the timing of yesterday's tragedy. And, contrary to popular belief, they didn't ask for it by being on our side of the war on terror (which is a gay title, they should actually call it "War on something we can't find, but which Bush can't give up on cause its how he got re-elected"). The French should have supported us the entire time. Just because they let al Queda operative inside their borders doesn't make them a makes them a storage facility. If you store gasoline reserves in your garage, don't be suprised if it explodes sometime. Ya'll fell me?

Moreover, the french invented French Toast, French Fries, and Canadian Bacon (indirectly.) All overweight middle easterners are already pissed at them for that...but then again so are overweight Americans who eat gravy soaked, beer battered cheese fries with every meal - and then accompany it with a side salad. And perhaps a Diet Coke.

I am trying to make a political statement, but I just returned to the subject of food. It is my favorite thing to eat. Food...not poop. Oh, and why do dancers smoke so much?

inherently obstinant, though I am not sure what it means,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

my dog , Gus, loves to eat poop. In fact, Poop on a stick would thrill him.
The French are useless. We will save thier butt again before its all over. The Canadians follow suit, pretty much.
thats my right wing hate speech for the day.