Thursday, October 06, 2005

"Nemo" Strikes Close to Home

Following a vast array of pet stories recently on my linked blogs below, I have the opportunity to share one too.

**AUTHOR'S NOTE: I spilled Coke on y keyboard and some of the keys don't work all the time, naely the "m" key...see what I ean? Please excuse y ess here. Sorry.**

WARNING: What your about to read is graphic. There is nothing happy about it. It is sad. If you don't think it is sad you are heartless, or don't understand the bond that can be made between a man and his pet fish. (TJ, most fish may only be able to remember things for 3 seconds - but my first are trained and brilliant. In fact, one of them pooped E=MC2 on the side of the tank. Brilliant, I say.)

Circa 2004 there was a movie released: "Finding Nemo." It seems little Nemo the fish (which is "omen" backwards ... I should have seen all this trauma coming) undergoes some really fun adventures in the wide open sea. Well, while he is captured in the dentists fish tank, he gets sucked into the water recycler thingy. I hope you see where this is going.

When I feed my fish (which is about 2-3 times a day) I go up to the aquarium, and tap on the glass. They all come running (well, swimming) to the front and frenzy in order to try and get to my fingers. They know them. They are friendly fingers. Last night at 1130 I was going to give them a last snack (since I hadn't fed them all day) and I only saw 3 come to the front. - but I have 4. I bent down quickly, surveying the tank for Crazy Eddie and where he might be. That is when I saw it.

Eddie, known in fishdom for swimming upside down, running into thr side of the tank, inspecting the pumps, etc., was against the sucker part of the water recycler - he was tuck. Upon closer evaluation, his tail had been sucked into the pipe, and was lodged between the slits in the end of it. He was breathing, but it was labored. I rushed in, hand first, and gently pulled him free. The current in the auqarium sne him spinning and in circles, and he seemed to lack the bouyancy or will to fight it.

I put him in aholding tank (a glass baking dish) overnight, with some food - hoping he would eat and find the strength to learn to swim again. What follows, is his fate.

Edward "Crazy Eddie" Fish
February 14th, 2006 - October 5, 2006

Eddie is survived by Laverne, Shirley, and Pete.
Eddie went to the big ocean in the sky late Wednesday
to meet Jaques and Homer, his late snail friends.
Eddie was a good fish, always jubilant and roudy.
He was a little slow, but he is a fish - his brain in naturally small.
We will miss his "swiming against the current" attitude,
when he would fight the skull that bubbled,
and his overall zest for life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How can a fish live and die, when they haven't even been born yet? S-L-O-W D-O-W-N......It's still 2005.......