Monday, September 19, 2005

Ten Treatisies Against Denominations

We are looking around for churches to get married in. We found this great chapel at a church in Midland, where Layne's folks live. Herein lies the rub...

It is a specific denominational church. We went inside to look at the sancutary and loved it...very colonial and different. Looked just like that church from The Patriot. Anywho, the paster was there. He informed us that in order to get marrie dat that church we had to take classes and give membership to that church. When we said we were members elsewhere, he said, "oh! no, you have to have membership here."

Now - I understand that they hold their church very sacred. It is a holy pl;ace for rituals and rites that lift glory to God, and also probably condemn people for not following every law. RTegardless of that fact, I am a member of CHRIST'S CHURCH!!!! HIS church that HE made for eternity! We are a BODY of friend TJ once said, "If we all call Him father, we do we not act like brothers?"

I just get to irritated that we all get caught up in the littel things of religion...that's what makes it so confusing and untrustworthy to those outside of the church. Denominations are almost at war with one another. My first time at a Nazarene church, they welcomed me with ope n arms when I told them I had come from a Baptist church. "We don't like them, anyway," one woman said.
Shady McShades, I tell ya...

1 comment:

bscarter said...

Just like most rules of 'religion,' denoms were made old white men to push their own beliefs and agendas, including controlling their people. Don't like a wife who doesn't know her role? Bam! Women can't speak in church.

They're retarded. Screw their church.