Wednesday, March 23, 2005

The Duck and the Hawk

I heard a great story today from an associate of my mom's. Read on, then scroll down to see the illustration of it. OH! And TJ, does this story sound like an experience we remember with Brooke's dog?

For the rest of you, here is the best story I have heard in awhile...and by the best, I mean that in a "did you hear Santa died?" sort of way. Enjoy....and I quote...

"I got to work early this morning, trying to get things done before a 10:00 am meeting that would last most of the morning.
Right at 10:00 I was leaving my office and my cell phone rang and I saw that it was my son who is home alone for part of today because of his school spring break. I answered my phone and my son was hysterical.

A couple of weeks ago Morgan had an idea that it would be a cute idea to have a duck in the fish pond during the garden show in April. We said ok and went and got "2" ducks, because 1 duck would have been lonely. The second day that we had them, I stepped on one and we had a little duck funeral. We then had to go get a replacement duck.

This morning we let the 2 ducks out of the pen and they were happily paddling in the pond when Mary and I went to work and Morgan went back to sleep.

When he called me he was sobbing that there was a huge Hawk in the back yard "EATING" the ducks and it would not leave the back yard. I quickly left the office and hurried home. When I got there Morgan was still sobbing and he showed me the carnage.
When the Hawk would not leave and kept eating his duck, he hit it with a chair. That pretty much immobilized the bird and then he proceeded to shoot it with his BB/Pellet gun. I had to finish him off.

After calming him down some, I asked Morgan if the Hawk got both ducks and he said that he must have because he could not find either of them. We started looking around the back yard and I could hear a familiar chirp and as we rounded a corner of the house a little ball of fur came shooting out of the bushes running/waddling to us as fast as he could come. He was really glad to see us."

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