Monday, March 07, 2005

Mark of One Hundred Paces

That is about the distance (with a 7 foot stride) that it would take to get from my apartment building to Layne's. Nice, huh? (A canadian I met recently says Americans say "huh" too much - but compares it to Canadains' "eh." Canada is wrong about most things, so we will leave it a that, huh?) That's right, one hundred paces from solitude to loving togetherness. One hundred paces from the confines of a modern one-man cave to the palace of tranquility.

Just got off the phone with a college friend - Chitty. What a guy. He is getting hitched in May and is really pumped about it. I like him - more than that I respect him. After all, he did throw a glas of water on Mat Turner when the "heat" got turned up in February of '01. My FH buddies smell what I'm steppin' in.

The word of the day is "bracket." Why? Because that is the word that comes to mind first when I think of shelving. Shelving solves lots of problems - it organizes, stacks, neatens and can, in some cases, be folded. You know what else is folded? Bread - well, actually it is kneaded. And the word "knead" sounds like "neat.' And that is what I think Chitty is - neat. That is why bracket is the word of the day.


Solving the problems of modern man,
dr. j. holland fullster

1 comment:

Unknown said...

man- i cant read your blog- its dark type on dark type... what happened?